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Colorado Springs' outdoor toy store since 1968!
Red Mountain 

Red Mountain 


From Colorado Springs, take Colorado Avenue or Cimarron/Highway 24 to Manitou Springs. Colorado Avenue eventually changes into Manitou Avenue, which you will follow through most of the historic district. At the roundabout, take a left at Ruxton Ave, which joins the avenue at an angle. Eventually, there will be a small, dirt road on your left called Spring Street. Park nearby on Ruxton because there is no parking on Spring. You can visit Iron Spring on your way to the trailhead if your taste buds are feeling adventurous.
Follow the “trail” signs as you walk up Spring; after a switchback, you will enter a road-width trail with a chain across it, marking the Intemann trailhead. About half a mile from this point, there will be a fork for the Red Mountain trail branching upward to the right. From here, the trail is much narrower and steeper and is about a mile long.


The summit rewards you with a grand view of Pikes Peak, Manitou, Colorado Springs, and theGarden of the Gods. Additionally, Red Mountain has had its fair share of Manitou history. You will notice some manmade remnants at the top—concrete steps and slabs, metal pipes, etc. At one time, the summit of Red Mountain had a pavilion where dances were held.

Red Mountain is also the celebrated Emma Crawford’s original burial site, before her corpse washed down the hill during a storm. This led to the present-day annual Emma Crawford Coffin Races in October. Finally, Red Mountain has been the traditional launching pad for Manitou’s fireworks show on the Fourth of July. Enjoy the history and the view before heading down.

The post Red Mountain  appeared first on Mountain Chalet.

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